Curtain Walls

curtain walls

The curtain wall method of glazing allows glass to be used in large uninterrupted areas creating consistent attractive facades. The flexibility in choice of products from Pilkington allows the designer to control every aspect of the performance from thermal to solar considerations and ultimately the design statement for the building.

The Pilkington Suncool™ range combines in one coating efficient thermal properties with some of the lowest U values achievable in insulating glass units and a broad range of solar control. With so much glass being used the solar gain can be high unless it is controlled. With the Pilkington range we can offer high light transmission with solar control and retain the natural look with neutral appearance glass products.

At the other extreme we can restrict light and solar gain in varying proportions and add colour or reflection
into the products. For those areas covering floor slabs or office services, there are complimentary Pilkington Spandrel Glass options to either contrast with the glazing or look similar.

Pilkington Spandrel Glass can have the U value enhanced with additional insulation fitted directly to the rear of the panels. Most products are available in impact resistant forms to allow the glass to be used at low levels, as a barrier and for security.



Pilkington Insulight™ Therm

This range incorporates energy saving glass, specially developed to keep your home warmer, make your fuel bills smaller and help meet the very latest Building Regulations. It includes Pilkington K Glass™, and for even greater energy efficiency Pilkington Optitherm™ S4.

Structural Glazing: The Pilkington Planar™ system covers the full range of applications - from the small and technically simple through to major packages for total building cladding.

Self-Cleaning Glass: The unique dual-action of the Pilkington Activ™ coating uses the forces of nature to help keep the glass free from organic dirt, giving you not only the practical benefit of less cleaning, but also clearer, better-looking windows.

The Solution for Unwanted Noise: Insulating building interiors against noise has now become a major design criterion, due to the rapid increase in road and air traffic and the development of the urban motorways.

Energy Saving Glass: Did you know that the glass you use in your windows can help your home be more energy-efficient? Just by using Pilkington energiKare™ in your windows not only will you be saving energy and money on your heating bills, you'll also be doing your bit for the environment.